Introduction to User Experience Design


4 units

Course Description

In this course, you will learn how to design technologies that work well and meet the needs of their users; how to communicate and justify your design decisions; and how human-centered design fits into the broader context of product development.

You will receive an introduction to the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), and learn to apply design thinking to User Experience (UX) design and evaluation. We will also cover a few special topic areas within HCI. Specific skills you will learn include:

  • Observation: Use needfinding methods such as interviewing and diary studies to define a problem space, build personas, identify Jobs To Be Done, and build a user journey.

  • Prototyping: Prototype your potential solutions using low-fi and high-fi prototyping techniques.

  • Testing: Test your prototypes using methods such as usability testing.

  • Communication: Present your designs and justify your decisions in ways that are grounded in research-backed methods.

The course provides an introduction to the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). It is designed to provide an overview of how design thinking fits within the product development lifecycle, and provide practice key skills you will need as a UX practitioner in industry.

Prior to 2023, this course was titled “User Interface Design and Development.”

Requirements Satisfied

Ph.D. Breadth — Engineering and Design
Ph.D. Major/Minor Areas — Human-Computer Interaction
Ph.D. Major/Minor Areas — Information and Communication Technologies and Development
Last updated: February 14, 2023