The Future of Data: We Depend on You!
Sponsored by SiSense
In this informal and interactive session, Mike Olson will talk with Bruno Aziza, vice president of marketing at SiSense, about the changes in the industry over the last quarter century, including the advent of open source software, business models that have evolved to commercialize it, the changing ecosystem for starting and running a company in the Silicon Valley, the confluence of cloud computing, mobile technology and big data platforms, and the likely future of information management for the industry and for society at large. Audience members should bring questions!
Advance registration is required. Sign up online.
Mike Olson has worked in the Bay Area technology industry and in academia since 1986. Over that time, he has contributed to open source software projects (the 4BSD Unix distribution from Berkeley Computer Systems Research Group, Postgres and Berkeley DB); built and sold commercial products for vendors including Illustra, Informix, Sleepycat, and Oracle; and worked as an early-stage employee at small startup companies and at large, established vendors. Mike is currently the CEO of Cloudera, the company he co-founded in 2008 with engineers from Google, Facebook, and Yahoo!