MIMS Final Project 2012

Apps for Kids & Parents

While younger children are increasingly exposed to technologies like smart phones and tablets in the home, current research has primarily focused on teen use of these devices. In our project, we studied how children ages 6-10 and their families are engaging with technology, specifically smart phones, iPod Touches and tablets. Using qualitative interviews and contextual inquiry, we examined how children use these devices, why and when they are using them, and how they share these devices with their parents. Additionally, we explored the role of parenting, particularly parents' hopes, concerns, and choices with respect to technology in the home.

Based on insights from our research, we designed several apps to address problem spaces uncovered in the interviews. "I'm Bored" is an iPad app that promotes digital and analog creativity, imagination and sharing. "Interact" is an iPad app that encourages the co-creation of stories between parents and children. "eeny meeny" is a mobile app that helps parents discover and select content for their kids. Through iterative user testing, we refined the designs to improve usability and performance.


Last updated: March 30, 2017