MIMS Final Project 2014


Sahay in Hindi translates to ‘help’. Our solution is an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) approach that connects workers in the household informal sector (domestic help, cooks, drivers, security guards, etc.) in India with employment opportunities. Jobs will be posted and accessed on Sahay’s platform through one of the following available means: web page, Short Message Service (SMS), or an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) interface. IVR is the technology that allows customers to interact with a company’s host system via a telephone, where they listen to voice commands or menu options and respond to those commands using their keypad. Employers will post the jobs on the platform with information about the skills that they are looking for. Job seekers will receive alerts about jobs through IVR or SMS on their mobile phones.

Our solution will allow job searching beyond a job-seeker’s restricted social network. It also allows job-seekers to save time and expenses by avoiding unnecessary travel involved in job hunting. Most importantly though, we plan to address the issues of trust that exist between the two parties through identity verification, reputation systems and abuse reporting mechanisms.

Last updated: March 30, 2017