MIMS Final Project 2015


Tagalong is a mobile app that leverages social relationships to develop fitness habits in those who have trouble doing so. It accomplishes this by connecting people who have a set exercise routine with their friends who are trying to get started with building active lifestyles (but have thus far been unsuccessful). People can post their exercise schedules, invite their friends to join them, or create open invitations for workouts.

The app will allow the users to record motivational messages to their future selves right after they finished their exercise. The app will use such video messages as a motivational tool before their next activity, when that motivation is most needed reminding them how the felt after a good exercise. 

Users will also be able to keep track their consistency by visualizing the streaks of completed activities. Whenever they miss a Tagalong, the streak resets to zero. Tagalong keeps track of the users all-time highest streaks to keep them competing but only with themselves. No one else can see them. The competition will only be with themselves.

The app only allows the creation of activities in the next 7 days avoiding the temptation of looking too far ahead and just focusing in the current week. By being able to see the activities their friends have planned, users have different options and alternatives for exercising.

Allowing them to, little by little, find the right mix and balance of exercise types they like to do and the people they like to do it with. Tagalong users are able to add such fitness activities to their calendars to make sure that they become part of their schedules and, in time, one of the priorities in their lives and as such a healthier life.

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Last updated: October 7, 2016