

Experiments and Causal Inference, Computational Social Science, American Political Institutions

Alumni (MICS 2022)

Practical applications of cybersecurity, sharing my own experiences in the field, and learning from others

Alumni (MICS 2021)

Global Information Technology Executive / CIO

Alumni (MIMS 2014)

Big Data, Business Intelligence and Analytics, Data Mining, Database Management and Design, Product Management

Alumni (MIDS 2016)

Using business data to bring useful insights. The world is full of data that has been collected just because it could be collected. Everything from change logs to usage patterns can give valuable insights into how businesses interact with their customers and their employees.

Alumni (MIDS 2016)

Data Visualization, Data Pipeline

Alumni (MIMS 2024)

Data Science and Machine Learning

Alumni (MIMS 2017)

Product Management & Design, UI/UX Design and Research, Front End Web Development

Alumni (MIDS 2023)

Data Science, Machine Learning, Cybersecurity & Entrepreneurship