
Alumni (MIDS 2021)

Natural Image Processing, Deep Learning, Machine Learning

Alumni (MIMS 2019)

HCI | UX Design | Design Research

Alumni (MIDS 2018)

Develop products and solutions in AI technology to solve business challenges and support strategic decisions

Alumni (MIDS 2019)

An experienced software engineer working on Search Ads.

Alumni (MIDS 2020)

Machine learning techniques for driving innovative analysis in healthcare, social platforms, hockey, and other challenge areas.

Alumni (MICS 2022)

Software engineer working on applied cryptography, IoT, and a bunch of random things

MIDS Student

Data Science for Social Good in Education

Alumni (MIMS 2023)

Data Science & Machine Learning

Alumni (5th Year MIDS 2023)

Alumni (MIDS 2023)

Former defense engineer attempting to transition to the field of sports analytics.

Alumni (MIDS 2015)

Interested in the intersection of Data Science and Design Thinking, especially in the design of software tools for professional settings.