MIMS Final Project 2023

Jumping Ship in the Multiverse of Higher Education

Project Description

There is a real need to mitigate the hurdles that are faced by transferring students. The Community College Research Center reported that the “transferring credit problem” is a major contributing factor to the dismal rates of graduation among transferring students. Students without social capital typically lack informational access to successful pathways. Can AI bridge this gap? In our capstone project, under the principal investigation of Prof. Zach Pardos, using data and methods from the Computational Approaches to Human Learning lab (CAHL), we have established a new state-of-the-art in automated course articulation for a major university system in the US.

Image Courtesy Bronx Community College CUNY
Image Courtesy: Bronx Community College, CUNY

Cracking the course transferring problem in a university system using NLP


Latent Space Odyssey

Latent Space Odyssey

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Last updated:

June 28, 2024