

Graduate Degrees

The School of Information offers four degrees: professional master’s degrees in information management, data science, and cybersecurity and an academic doctoral degree.

The Master of Information Management and Systems (MIMS) program is a two-year full-time program, designed to train students in the skills needed to succeed as information professionals. Such a profession is inherently interdisciplinary, requiring aspects of computer science, cognitive science, psychology and sociology, economics, business, law, library/information studies, and communications.

The Master of Information and Data Science (MIDS) program is an innovative part-time fully online program that trains data-savvy professionals and managers. Working with data at scale requires distinctive new skills and tools. The MIDS program is distinguished by its disciplinary breadth; unlike other programs that focus on advanced mathematics and modeling alone, the MIDS degree provides students insights from social science and policy research, as well as statistics, computer science and engineering.

The Master of Information and Cybersecurity (MICS) program teaches students to develop solutions for complex cybersecurity challenges. Delivered online, MICS provides the technical skills and contextual knowledge students need to assume leadership positions in private sector technology companies as well as government and military organizations.

The I School’s Ph.D. program in Information Science offers the resources, support, and inspiration that scholars need to pursue new ideas, conduct their own research, and shape the evolving relationship between people and information around the world.

The 5th Year MIDS program is no longer accepting applications for new students.

Program characteristicDetailsMIMSMIDSMICSPh.D.
 UC Berkeley’s South HallX  X
 Online XX 
 4- to 5-day immersion on the UC Berkeley campus. XX 
Program lengthTwo years20 months20 monthsAbout 6 years
 Semesters44–54–5about 12
 Summers included?NoYesYesNo
Course load    
 Full-timeX  X
 Part-time XX 
 Standard course load per semester12 units (4 courses)6 units (2 courses)6 units (2 courses)12 units
 Total units482727varies
New students start    
 May XX 
Application deadlineEarly JanuaryRolling admissionsRolling admissionsEarly December

Graduate Certificates

The School of Information offers two graduate certificates for students who have already been admitted to a Berkeley graduate program. These certificates complement a wide range of existing degree programs:

Last updated: March 5, 2025