MIMS Degree Requirements

The Master of Information Management and Systems (MIMS) program is a two-year full-time degree program requiring at least 48 semester units of study. The first year of the program consists mostly of a core curriculum; the second year involves further study in core areas along with additional electives, with the expectation that the student will specialize in particular aspects of information management and systems. The program culminates with a group final project.

Core Courses

The five required core courses provide an introduction to the fundamental technical, social, organizational, policy, and design skills and knowledge necessary for information professionals, as well as a foundation for advanced courses to build on. Students take the core courses during their first year.

* Students may be eligible to waive Info 206A if they demonstrate sufficient prior competency in Python programming and related topics during the admissions process.

Technology Requirement and Social Science and Policy Requirement

All MIMS students take at least one advanced technology course and one advanced social science or policy course, in addition to the required core courses.


Electives allow students to build on the core courses to gain advanced expertise in one or more information management specializations.

I School Electives

A wide range of electives are available in the School of Information’s Info course catalog, with additional specialized courses offered as special topics courses.

MIMS students must take a minimum of 40 units from the Info course catalog; this may include up to 6 units of individual study or group study.

Outside Electives

Students may take additional electives from other UC Berkeley departments as part of their MIMS degree, including courses in business, law, computer science, engineering, public policy, design, new media, and other departments. A maximum of 8 units taken in other departments can be counted towards the degree, but students are encouraged to take additional outside courses based on their career goals and interests.

Final Project

Final projects are the culmination of the MIMS degree program and are intended to synthesize the full range of knowledge and skills gained during the previous two years. Students complete their final projects in groups during the second semester of their second year. 

The interdisciplinary diversity of the I School program makes many kinds of projects suitable. Some projects involve the design of an information-intensive application and creation of a software artifact. Other projects include a significant research component, making a written report the most important artifact.

Summer Internship

During the summer between the two years, most MIMS students participate in an internship program in order to use their newly acquired skills in real-world settings. Past internships have been in corporate, academic, government, and non-profit institutions. Assistance in arranging internships is provided whenever possible, but the ultimate responsibility of obtaining the internship is the student’s. The internship is not a degree requirement.

Program Length

The MIMS program is a two-year full-time program. Students are required to enroll in a minimum of 12 units of graduate work each semester and complete the program within two years. Students are required to be registered for four consecutive academic semesters (fall and spring).

Course Sequence

First Semester

Second Semester

Third Semester

  • Electives

Fourth Semester

Last updated: September 13, 2023