Ph.D. Career Outcomes

Ph.D. graduates from the Berkeley School of Information go on tenure-track faculty positions at the world’s leading universities, as well as leading research positions in industry, academia, and public-interest organizations.

Ph.D. graduates 2010–2021

Ph.D. graduates 2010–2021: Tenure track: 17; Industry: 18; Public interest: 5.

* Public interest positions include roles in government, at NGOs, at public-interest non-profits, and at university-based research centers.

Recent Ph.D graduates currently hold tenure-track faculty positions at:

Georgetown University of Washington Kings College London UC San Diego University of North Carolina Georgia Tech University of California, Berkeley Technical University, Munich University of Pittsburgh University of Colorado, Boulder University of Cape Town

Other recent Ph.D graduates are leaders at:

GoogleDilan Mahendran (Ph.D. 2011)
Lead UX Researcher
Internet SocietyJoseph Lorenzo Hall (Ph.D. 2008)
Senior Vice President for a Strong Internet
Internet Society
Data & Societydanah boyd (Ph.D. 2008)
Founder and President
Data & Society Research Institute
A1M SolutionsElizabeth Goodman (Ph.D. 2013)
Senior Director of Design
A1M Solutions
IdeoDan Perkel (Ph.D. 2011)
Executive Director, Research & Insights


Employment data as of Summer 2022. "Person" icon by from the Noun Project.

Last updated: August 1, 2024