MIMS Admissions: Programming Proficiency
In the first term of MIMS, students are required to take Info 206A. Introduction to Programming and Computation and Info 206B. Introduction to Data Structures and Analytics. Students may be waived out of Info 206A during the admissions process if they demonstrate sufficient competency in object-oriented programming. All students are required to take Info 206B. As these are technically rigorous courses, we want to ensure that students are well prepared for success.
The Programming Proficiency Form provides us with a comprehensive picture of your programming experience. This form asks you to share the programming language(s) with which you are familiar, your level of proficiency, and how you acquired your knowledge. We expect entering students to have a basic level of skill in a high-level object-oriented language (e.g., Python, Java, C++). Info 206A and Info 206B use Python, but other languages are acceptable for admission.
If you don’t yet have any object-oriented programming experience, that’s OK! We recommend that you sign up for an online or in-person course right away (and include this information in your application) to show the admissions committee that you are committed to gaining this knowledge prior to beginning MIMS. It’s also in your best interest to make sure you actually enjoy and value this technical component of MIMS.
There are a number of ways to gain this introductory level knowledge:
- Online object-oriented programming courses (check out Introduction to Computer Science, Python, and additional resources for self-study)
- In-person object-oriented programming courses at your local community college or university
Common Questions and Answers
Which programming languages meet this requirement?
We require programming skills comparable to those obtained in an introductory level in-person or online programming course in a high-level object-oriented language, such as Python, Java, C++. Python is currently used for Info 206A and Info 206B, but other languages are acceptable for admission. Programming languages such as Visual Basic, C, and those languages used to implement and enhance database management systems (such as SQL) are not acceptable.
Are specific programming courses required?
No, but it is expected that applicants will have completed at least one introductory level in-person or online object-oriented programming course prior to the start of the MIMS program. Here are some online Python courses and self-study resources that we encourage you to explore:
Am I required to submit evidence of programming coursework completion?
While you are not required to submit evidence of completed coursework, it could be in your best interest to do so, especially for candidates with limited programming or technical experience. Please upload documentation to the last question of the Programming Proficiency Form. Please also be sure to list on the Programming Proficiency Form specific coursework that you have completed or that is in progress.