MICS Capstone Project Judging Guidelines

At the end of the term, MICS projects will be evaluated by an invited panel of judges. Projects will be chosen for the Lily L. Chang Award according to the following criteria:

  • Originality: Project is differentiated from other available solutions (i.e., novel, inventive).

  • Potential Impact / Meeting a Need: Project is likely to provide a highly usable tool or value to users; productively identifies and addresses a specific problem space or need.

  • Completeness: Scope of project is well-tuned. All elements of the work are fleshed out and complete. A minimum viable product was achieved and demonstrated.

  • Security Thinking: Team demonstrates steps taken to apply security thinking and security knowledge to the problem space and their own process.

    • They indicate the security choices and framings they considered and reviewed when choosing to create their security focused solution (e.g., threat models and tradeoffs).

    • They applied appropriate tools, techniques, secure coding techniques, demonstrate various defensive coding practices that were project relevant and applied security reviews to their solution.

  • Presentation: Team explains ideas and information clearly and concisely. Presentation structure and organization allows audience to understand sequence, process of project work and outcomes.

  • Overall quality

List of recipients of the Lily L. Chang Award

Last updated: May 24, 2024