Information Economics

Related Faculty

Biosensory computing; climate informatics; information economics and policy

Recent Publications

The creators of technical infrastructure are under social and legal pressure to comply with expectations that can be difficult to translate into computational and business logics. This dissertation bridges this gap through three projects that focus on privacy engineering, information security, and data economics, respectively. These projects culminate in a new formal method for evaluating the strategic and tactical value of data: data games. This method relies on a core theoretical contribution building on the work of Shannon, Dretske, Pearl, Koller, and Nissenbaum: a definition of situated information flow as causal flow in the context of other causal relations and strategic choices.

Information Economics news

Susana Constenla-Villoslada is the first recipient of the Steven Weber Futures Fellowship Fund for Digital Security and Trust.

Founding Dean Hal Varian commits $500,000 to establish a doctoral endowment at the UC Berkeley School of Information.

Rebooted: An Uncommon Guide to Radical Success and Fairness in the New World of Life, Death, and Tech, by Arnobio Morelix, examines the opportunities and challenges that are on the horizon for businesses in the post-pandemic economy.

Several young faculty have receive presitigous awards and fellowships in 2020: Aditya Parameswaran, Josh Blumenstock and David Bamman.

The award will support Blumenstock’s work on a new paradigm of algorithmic decision-making  that prioritizes social impact.

In his newly published book, Bloc by Bloc, Professor Steven Weber explores the future of the global enterprise as international tensions reach new heights.

Concerns regarding Beijing's censorship and human rights record continue to disrupt tech-industry ties between the U.S. and China.

Hal Varian, professor emeritus and former dean of the School of Information, has been named a 2015 Distinguished Fellow by the American Economic Association.