
Related Faculty

Assistant Professor of Practice
Predictive medicine; artificial intelligence; machine learning; tele-health; information disclosure; privacy; security.
Biosensory computing; climate informatics; information economics and policy
Professor of Practice
Internet law, information privacy, consumer protection, cybersecurity, computer crime, regulation of technology, edtech
privacy, fairness, human rights, cybersecurity, technology and governance, values in design, public interest tech

Recent Publications

When you go to a new healthcare clinic in the United States, doctors and nurses pull up your patient record based on your name and birthdate.  Sometimes it’s not your chart they pull up.  This is not only a healthcare problem; it’s a data science problem.

This paper reviews HCI research on privacy and design to discuss how utilizing a broader range of design methods from HCI can help support “privacy by design” efforts.

Privacy news

Postdoctoral scholar and I School alum Nitin Kohli has been awarded the iSchools Doctoral Dissertation Award for his dissertation, “Leveraging Differential Privacy While Attending to Social and Political Commitments.”

Policymakers face an incredibly difficult challenge to craft policy in the face of increasingly complex national and international security challenges. In serving them, wargamers can and should do better.

Professor Deirdre K. Mulligan has been tapped to join the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) as Deputy U.S. Chief Technology Officer for Policy.

Richmond Wong, Ph.D. ’20, shares how period-tracking apps share users’ data.