Data Science

Related Faculty

Alumni (MIMS 2006)
Assistant Professor of Practice
Science and technology studies; computer-supported cooperative work and social computing; education; anthropology; youth technocultures; ideology and inequity; critical data science
Assistant Professor of Practice
Predictive medicine; artificial intelligence; machine learning; tele-health; information disclosure; privacy; security.
Associate Professor
Natural language processing, computational social science, machine learning, digital humanities
Trust, social exchange, social psychology, and information exchange
Biosensory computing; climate informatics; information economics and policy

Data Science news

Outstanding MICS, MIDS, and 5th Year MIDS capstone projects.

Alan Jian offers one example of how Data Science Undergraduate Studies and School of Information’s Master of Information and Data Science program alumni are using their skills to make an impact through public service.

Tim Tangherlini is a folklorist and ethnographer who is interested in the circulation of stories on and across social networks, and the ways in which stories are used by individuals in their ongoing negotiation of ideology with the groups to which they belong.

Outstanding MICS and MIDS capstone projects.

A Hal R. Varian Award-winning capstone project from 2021 has been published in the July 2024 issue of The Lancet Digital Health, an internationally trusted source of clinical, public health, and global health knowledge. 

The UC Berkeley School of Information is launching IceBerk, a multidisciplinary lab focused on using informatics for climate empowerment.

A group of scholars from the School of Information are tackling the issue of illegal sand mining with the help of a grant from the Mozilla Technology Foundation (MTF) and collaborators from India.

At the Women in Data Science conference held at UC Berkeley this past week, four educators affiliated with the School of Information presented to a crowd of over 60 attendees.

At the UC Berkeley School of Information, two educators have taken the initiative to begin incorporating data ethics considerations into Capstone, the final course of the Master of Information and Data Science degree program.

Outstanding MICS, MIDS, and 5th Year MIDS capstone projects.