MIMS Final Project 2017


All of us share special bonds with some specific people in our lives, be it your parents, siblings, friends, or soul mates. We go on adventures, make each other laugh, and make memories together. Now imagine having a device that not only captures these beautiful moments but also facilitates these meaningful interactions. Paired is a pair of personalized IoT charms designed to do just that. Each charm pair is to be shared solely between two individuals. These charms are portable, tangible, and can communicate with each other. Once activated, these charms will provide access to a private virtual space on a mobile application. Through the combination of charms and application, users will be able to capture the best moments of their relationship and see their journey through beautiful visualizations. Users will get personalized pair recommendations that encourage them to spend more time together. 

With the help of Paired, we aim to understand and capture the essence of personal interactions. Unlike current digital platforms, which emphasize quantity, cheapen relationships to friend requests and likes, and push for identity curation, Paired is designed to help us build and maintain meaningful relationships with the ones that are the closest to us. 


Last updated: May 10, 2017