
Casey Hahn

Alumni (MIDS 2024)


An actuary by background, looking to change paths to become a data scientist. My work experience has been in consulting. Some academic topics of interest I have are environment, sports, diversity&inclusion and machine learning.


Data Science
Project Management


Aspiring Data Scientist passionate about problem solving and building models. Background in actuarial consulting career. 

Work Experience: 

Fidelity Investments: Actuarial Consultant

2017 - Current

Actuary consulting large corporations on their retirement plans. Lead high performing team of actuaries on a wide range of customized solutions for clients. Experience with people managing and performance ranked in top 10% of peers from 2018 - 2021. Some examples include developing the following custom solutions:

  1. A model built with R to audit historical 401(k) transactions
  2. A web-based model automating the pension liability calculation
  3. An online, interactive retirement modeling tool that allowed users to see how changes
  4. to their 401(k) savings rate would impact their future 401(k) balance

Willis Towers Watson: Senior Analyst

2012- 2016

  1. Actuarial consulting analyst on the retirement team. Some example projects include: Regression analysis to form assumptions on pension plan demographic risks
  2. Serve on national technical support team for pension liability modeling
  3. Stochastic projections on pension asset and liabilities


B.S. Actuarial Science (Statistics Department) - University of California Santa Barbara


Last updated:

July 4, 2024