Aspiring Data Scientist passionate about problem solving and building models. Background in actuarial consulting career.
Work Experience:
Fidelity Investments: Actuarial Consultant
2017 - Current
Actuary consulting large corporations on their retirement plans. Lead high performing team of actuaries on a wide range of customized solutions for clients. Experience with people managing and performance ranked in top 10% of peers from 2018 - 2021. Some examples include developing the following custom solutions:
- A model built with R to audit historical 401(k) transactions
- A web-based model automating the pension liability calculation
- An online, interactive retirement modeling tool that allowed users to see how changes
- to their 401(k) savings rate would impact their future 401(k) balance
Willis Towers Watson: Senior Analyst
2012- 2016
- Actuarial consulting analyst on the retirement team. Some example projects include: Regression analysis to form assumptions on pension plan demographic risks
- Serve on national technical support team for pension liability modeling
- Stochastic projections on pension asset and liabilities
B.S. Actuarial Science (Statistics Department) - University of California Santa Barbara