Data Science Course Schedule Spring 2014

Data Science courses are restricted to students enrolled in the MIDS degree program only. 

All times are listed in the Pacific Time Zone (America/Los_Angeles).


Introduces the data sciences landscape, with a particular focus on learning data science techniques to uncover and answer the questions students will encounter in industry. Lectures, readings, discussions, and assignments will teach how to apply disciplined, creative methods to ask better questions, gather data, interpret results, and convey findings to various audiences. The emphasis throughout is on making practical contributions to real decisions that organizations will and should make.

Section 1
W 4-5:30 P.M.
Instructor(s): Steven Weber, Andy Brooks
Section 2
W 6-7:30 P.M.
Instructor(s): Steven Weber, Andy Brooks

An introduction to many different types of quantitative research methods and statistical techniques for analyzing data. We begin with a focus on measurement, inferential statistics and causal inference using the open-source statistics language, R. Topics in quantitative techniques include: descriptive and inferential statistics, sampling, experimental design, tests of difference, ordinary least squares regression, general linear models.

Section 1
Tu 4-5:30 P.M.
Instructor(s): Coye Cheshire, Paul Laskowski
Section 2
Tu 6-7:30 P.M.
Instructor(s): Coye Cheshire, Paul Laskowski