
User Interface Design Showcase

2010-05-05T18:00:00 - 2010-05-05T21:00:00
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Banatao Auditorium and Kvamme Atrium, Sutardja Dai Hall

This semester, master's students in the School of Information's introductory Human-Computer Interaction course (INFO 213) spent 15 weeks designing, prototyping, and evaluating mobile user interfaces. Student teams created applications that help users create rules for sharing location information, teach fractions to children through music, view historical photos of the current location, assist in recording observations of daily living for tracking medical conditions, and much more.

Join us for the combined final project presentations of three Berkeley UI design courses: INFO213, CS160, and ART178.

6:00 pm — presentations
7:30 pm — posters

This is a great chance to meet top master's students in the School of Information who have an interest in user interfaces. This select group of students includes the designers, programmers, and evaluation specialists of the future. More information about the course is at http://courses.ischool.berkeley.edu/i213/s10/

Directions to Sutardja Dai Hall


Information 213

Transporter - A novel public transit iPhone application to help riders get around the Bay Area

MySchool Music - An iPhone app for learning fractions while making music

ShareWhere - creating rules for sharing real-time location

phWarp - A mobile application that allows you to learn about your surroundings using historic images and information

Crohnology - Helps Crohn's disease patients capture, interpret, and act on information gathered from their observations of daily living (ODLs)

Mobile Web Annotation - Enables users to highlight, add, and retrieve notes to web pages in Mobile Firefox

Mobile CAPTCHA - Usable CAPTCHA Design for Mobile Devices

MeLo - Provides users with a way to add more personal and contextual information to location data

Closet App - Maintains a record of clothes in your closet and helps you put together and save outfits

A Good Choice - Helps users make informed purchasing decisions when confronted with a vast array of options

Computer Science 160

Grocery Guardian - An application that allows grocery shoppers to purchase allergen free foods for themselves and others by scanning the product barcode or searching a database.

Choreo - Streamline your dance practices! Easy song splicing and sequencing with our portable music editor, created just for dancers.

Skatemaster - Upload and share your trick repertoire. Become a local skate legend.

iDeck - iDeck is an application that aims to provide a network of portable card tables, boster social activity among friends, and keep traditional card games in the modern technology timeline.

iBeta - Rock climbing app for beginners.

Beerpressions - Providing beer aficionados an easy, efficient, and non-intrusive way to detail the subjective experience of tasting a beer as they drink it.

VetApp - A mobile social network for veterinary emergency doctors who treat small, non-exotic animals. Doctors can use their iPhones to ask questions on disease diagnosis and treatment, and receive answers from other physicians in real-time!

PetTrainer - Getting healthy is now as fun as a game when you and your virtual pet start training together in PetTrainer!

Roll Call - Quickly and easily take roll inside your classroom or on the go

iBCs - iBCs is a fun and interactive edutainment tool that allows children to creatively learn their ABC's and 123's.

iScout - An iPhone application for Boy Scouts to manage their progress in merit badges and assist group organization.

Coach's Clipboard - Everything a basketball coach needs. Draw plays, keep stats, and much more, all in this easy-to-use application.

Art 178 / Anthropology 196: Mobile City Chronicles

AfterImage - You think you know the city, but the city holds a secret...

Berkeley Chronicles - Travel back to 1969 and see if you have what it takes to survive the People's Park protest.

CityFiction - Create a new city through collective storytelling

Shadow Layer - Where do you stand in the struggle for the heart and soul of the city?

Viral Defense - Defend your body against microbial invaders!

Last updated: March 26, 2015