Special Lecture

The Tragedy of Survey Methodology

2011-10-03T17:30:00 - 2011-10-03T18:30:00
Monday, October 3, 2011
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Judd Antin, Yahoo! Research
Why do people create, interact, and collaborate online? What are the deep motivations that drive so many to invest significant time and energy on Facebook, Flickr, StackExchange, Wikipedia, Yahoo! Groups, YouTube, and countless other sites? As social media has become the internet's driving force, questions about motivation and incentives have come to the forefront. Motivation, however, is hard to talk about and hard to measure. In this talk I discuss some of the problems with current models of motivation that are enshrined in trends like "gamification." I also discuss some key problems with measuring motivation through surveys, and present a recent study on social desirability effects in reports of motivation on Amazon's Mechanical Turk. Finally, I present thoughts on the future of measuring motivation and developing effective mechanisms for motivating online participation.

Judd Antin is a social psychologist and research scientist in the Internet Experiences group at Yahoo! Research. Judd’s areas of expertise include incentives and motivation for online collaboration, "gamification" and game mechanics, online communities, collective action and social dilemmas, as well as trust, reliability, and credibility. His research interests center on user-generated content, social media, the wisdom of crowds, distributed work, and all other forms of online collaboration. Working with laboratory and field experiments, surveys, and qualitative methods, Judd strives for a holistic understanding of participation and collaboration and translating that understanding into innovation for Yahoo! products.

Judd holds a B.A. in Anthropology from Johns Hopkins University, an M.A. in Applied Anthropology from the University of Maryland – College Park, a Ph.D. in Information Management & Systems from the School of Information at UC Berkeley, and a Grand Diploma in Culinary Arts from the French Culinary Institute in New York City.

Last updated: March 26, 2015