Information Access Seminar

Research Agendas in Personal Digital Archiving

2012-11-30T15:10:00 - 2012-11-30T17:00:00
Friday, November 30, 2012
3:10 pm - 5:00 pm
Clifford Lynch

A number of important technical, economic and social developments — many aspects of commerce and consumer activities, correspondence, personal photography, and some uses of social media — have been grouped together under shorthands like “digital lives” or “personal digital archiving”, and in the past few years there has been at least one annual conference (the next being held in College Park, Maryland, in February 2013) looking at this area. Recently I’ve been working on a concluding chapter for a book of essays on personal digital archiving, and after giving a brief overview of the scope of the field and its interconnections to other related areas, I’ll share some of the ideas that I’ve developed about the key research issues and agendas in this area.

Clifford Lynch has been the director of the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) since July 1997. CNI, jointly sponsored by the Association of Research Libraries and Educause, includes about 200 member organizations concerned with the use of information technology and networked information to enhance scholarship and intellectual productivity. Prior to joining CNI, Lynch spent 18 years at the UC Office of the President, the last 10 as Director of Library Automation. Lynch holds a Ph.D. in computer science from UC Berkeley and is an adjunct professor at the School of Information. He is a past president of the American Society for Information Science and a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the National Information Standards Organization.

Last updated: March 26, 2015