Designing, Implementing, and Analyzing Yelp’s Search Experiments

2013-04-22T11:10:00 - 2013-04-22T12:30:00
Monday, April 22, 2013
11:10 am - 12:30 pm
Benjamin Goldenberg, Search Quality Lead, Yelp

Special lecture from the course Info 240. Principles of Information Retrieval

Yelp serves millions of search requests every day, across 4 continents in 12 languages. At any point, Yelp is running several sets of side-by-side experiments. Benjamin will talk about the types of experiments Yelp runs, what goes into designing a statically robust web search experiment, and how to make sense of the resulting data using MapReduce and related technologies.

Benjamin Goldenberg leads the search quality team at Yelp, where he gets to work on a fun mix of traditional information retrieval projects, experimental design, and analysis, topped off by mountains of user-generated content to mine.

Last updated: March 26, 2015