Information Access Seminar

Nuclear Forensics & Participatory Archiving

2013-02-08T15:10:00 - 2013-02-08T17:00:00
Friday, February 8, 2013
3:10 pm - 5:00 pm
Charles Wang & Natalie Cadranel

Nuclear Forensics: A Computer Directed-Graph Visualization Approach to Scientific Search Problem
Charles Wang

Charles Wang will report on his work with Prof. Ray Larson, Fredric Gey and Electra Sutton on an NSF-funded project entitled “Recasting Nuclear Forensics Discovery as a Digital Library Search Problem.” It takes a computer science algorithmic approach to address the nuclear forensics search problem. Nuclear forensics discovery was recast as a digital library search problem and databases were developed databases. A dynamic nuclear decay-chain visualizer was implemented for various isotopes using existing web technologies. This work will presented and compared with earlier work.

Charles Wang is a master’s student in the School of Information.

Participatory Archiving: Three Case Studies
Natalie Cadranel

The prevalence of born digital cultural artifacts offers archivists the opportunity to be involved earlier on in the life-cycle of those records, before they enter the archive. As people engage with digital technologies in more nuanced ways, the networked web provides favorable circumstances for media creators to ensure provenance, authenticity and custody. I will briefly discuss three case studies that exemplify creative ways archivists are engaging with the publics they serve. These include: the WITNESS archive, Howard Besser’s work with the Activist Archivists group in New York, and Rick Prelinger’s Participatory Archiving project at the Internet Archive.

Natalie Cadranel is a master’s student in the School of Information.

Last updated: March 26, 2015