Information Access Seminar

“Update on the Center for Technology, Society & Policy” and “News and Notes about Enterprise Search”

2016-03-18T15:10:00 - 2016-03-18T17:00:00
Friday, March 18, 2016
3:10 pm - 5:00 pm
Nick Doty & Avi Rappoport

Beginnings of an Interdisciplinary Center: Update on the Center for Technology, Society & Policy
Nick Doty

Nick Doty will share experiences from the first six months of activity from the Center for Technology, Society & Policy, including our success and challenges in encouraging research, design and building at the intersection of these fields. He'll describe what we've learned from our fellows, research projects, blog posts, happy hours, hackathons, reading groups, panel discussions -- and what could we do with prizes, job boards, career placements, curriculum development or other ideas for the future.

Nick Doty is a director of the Center for Technology, Society & Policy and a Ph.D. candidate at the School of Information, studying how privacy and other values are considered during the technical design process. He researches privacy in standard-setting for the Internet and the World Wide Web and co-teaches the Technology & Delegation Lab.

News and Notes about Enterprise Search
Avi Rappoport

Open-source search is now state-of-the-art, Google is discontinuing it's hardware/software search engine, and all the leading commercial search vendors have been swallowed by the biggest enterprise software companies, and in HP's case, proved almost indigestible. How this fits into information access is worth discussing.

Avi Rappoport received her master's here when it was the School of Library and Information Studies ('88), worked in Macintosh software development for a decade, and has been consulting on and analyzing enterprise search ever since. She has worked on projects for Kaiser Permanente, Apple marketing, the Sierra Club, the Library of Congress, Salon, VeriSign, the Librarian's Index to the Internet, and many other companies.

Last updated: March 15, 2016