
Corporate Data and Human Rights

2016-02-18T15:00:00 - 2016-02-18T17:00:00
Thursday, February 18, 2016
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Social Science Matrix, 820 Barrows Hall, UC Berkeley
Rebecca MacKinnon, Bennett Freeman, Bill Marczak, Nicole Ozer, & Jim Dempsey

A Panel on Corporate Transparency and Accountability Around Internet Surveillance and Censorship

Sponsored by the UC Berkeley Human Rights Program, in partnership with Social Science Matrix, the Berkeley Center for Law & Technology, and the Center for Technology, Society & Policy at the UC Berkeley School of Information.

How can Internet companies be more transparent and accountable in how they monitor and censor online behavior? What (and whose) rights are threatened when companies disclose customer data in response to government demands or when they block online activity or take down content? What obligations do companies have to resist government demands, and what tools can advocates use to confront abuses?

This panel discussion on corporate transparency and accountability around Internet surveillance and censorship will be moderated by Leslie Harris, president of the Harris Strategy Group, pecturer at the UC Berkeley School of Information, and a founder of the Global Network Initiative.

Panelists include:

  • Rebecca MacKinnon, Project Director of Ranking Digital Rights at New America

  • Bennett Freeman, Chair of the Advisory Board of Global Witness and former Deputy Assistant of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor

  • Bill Marczak, Computer Science Ph.D. student at UC Berkeley; Research Fellow at Citizen Lab (University of Toronto)

  • Nicole Ozer, Technology & Civil Liberties Policy Director at the ACLU of California

  • Jim Dempsey, Executive Director of the Berkeley Center for Law & Technology at Berkeley Law

The panel is open to the public and will include time for audience questions and discussion. A reception with refreshments will follow the event. For more information, please contact Lynsay Skiba at

Last updated: February 16, 2016