Veracyte Tech Talk & Pizza

Thursday, January 28, 2016
5:30 pm
1011 Evans Hall
Jing Huang, VP of Bioinformatics, Veracyte Inc.

Veracyte is giving a 45 min tech-talk followed by pizza on Thursday, January 28th, at 5:30pm in 1011 Evans. Veracyte is interested in hiring graduate students or postdocs for statistical scientist and bioinformatics scientist positions (click on links for job descriptions). Both M.A. and Ph.D. level candidates are welcome to apply. Feel free to reach out to the speaker directly with your resume or CV if you would like to be scheduled for an on-campus interview on the day of the event.

Giving it all she's got: using multiple sources of high-dimensional genomics data to build diagnostic algorithms: Applications to Thyroid and Pulmonary Diseases

Jing Huang, VP of Bioinformatics, Veracyte Inc.,

The diagnosis of a complex disease rarely presents itself in a vacuum. The patient comes to a place in the clinical workflow after a journey, often referred to as “The Diagnostic Odyssey”. Biopsies and clinical information enter that workflow at different places, with high-dimensional genomic information often being collected on these precious samples. How do we incorporate “the back story” embedded in this workflow into meaningful diagnostic algorithms that are appropriate to that particular phase in the patient's quest for a diagnosis? Examples derived from thyroid nodule diagnosis and lung specimens will be used as illustration of how different clinical and genomic data are called into play at specific times to resolve ambiguity and improve patient care.

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Last updated: May 11, 2018