
Are You Leaving Money on the Table?

2017-04-05T17:30:00 - 2017-04-05T18:30:00
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Did you know… almost half of workers don’t negotiate salary offers, and men are more likely to negotiate salary offers that women? The process of salary negotiation is challenging for most people, but if you don’t negotiate, you are likely leaving money on the table! This presentation we will discuss some of the reasons why people don’t negotiate, the ramifications of not negotiating, as well as strategies for successful negotiation. We’ll also touch on some of the special challenges that women face at the negotiation table.

Laurie Haskell-Woerner is a career advisor at the I School, where she provides career advising, webinars, and career resource development specifically for the MIDS program.  She has over 17 years of career counseling experience serving students in higher education, including Golden Gate University, Saint Mary's College of California, and Yale University. Laurie has an MS in counseling with a career counseling specialization from San Francisco State University, a BA in psychology from the University of New Hampshire, and holds the National Counselor Certification (NCC), the Master Career Counselor designation (MCC) and the Distance Counseling Credential (DCC).

Last updated: November 16, 2017