
Industrial Internet: Big Data and Analytics Driving Big Outcomes

2017-03-15T17:30:00 - 2017-03-15T18:30:00
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Beena Ammanath, GE Digital

General Electric (GE) is one of the world’s leading provider of industrial equipment and machinery — moving, powering, and healing the world. GE provides services to industrial clients worldwide, minimizing unplanned downtime for assets and driving operational efficiencies. Data management and advanced analytics are core to GE’s recent success in delivering superior software-based services to customers across aviation, power generation, oil & gas, healthcare, and transportation.

The torrent of data generated from machines, networks, devices, and data centers in industry verticals provide challenges and opportunities. The challenge is to make this machine data meaningful and actionable to deliver on opportunities around operational efficiencies. I will share real-world case studies demonstrating tangible operational benefits — ranging from fuel savings to improving productivity to reducing unscheduled maintenance to enhancing on-time performance — by tightly integrating machines, networked sensors, industrial-strength data, and software to enable intelligent insights and affect measurable outcomes.

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Beena Ammanath is the vice president of data science at General Electric, where she is responsible for shaping GE’s industrial internet platform, Predix, into a top-notch data science platform. She also works with leading industrial companies to guide them through building and executing on strategies to take their business through a digital transformation using advanced technology engineering and data science techniques, to achieve productivity gains and business growth through innovation based on insights generated through their own data.

Previously, Beena worked at recognized international organizations BritishTelecom, E*trade, Thomson Reuters, and Bank of America, as well as Silicon Valley startups, in engineering and management positions. She won the 2016 CIO- Drexel Analytics 50 award for being one of the top 50 global innovators in data science and was named as one of the Fortune 500’s top 8 female analytics experts by Forbes. Beena was recently honored by the San Francisco Business Times as one of the 2017 Most Influential Women in Bay Area.

Last updated: March 7, 2017