Information Access Seminar

Digital Privacy for Librarians (and Others)

2018-10-19T15:10:00 - 2018-10-19T17:00:00
Friday, October 19, 2018
3:10 pm - 5:00 pm
Howard Besser

With almost weekly revelations of massive privacy attacks (on email providers, health care companies, governmental agencies, universities, political campaigns, etc.), the public has developed a heightened awareness of the vulnerability of their private information. But there is a large gap between knowing that data breeches and hacks take place, and changing one's behavior as a protective measure.

This talk reports on an IMLS-funded project to train librarians to go out into their communities and make those communities more aware of privacy threats, and to train community members in tools and habits that will offer protection against various types of threats. The talk will cover methods for training these Privacy Advocates in technology-based tools, in discourse and advocacy, and in community engagement. It will also discuss the various types of threats, and a variety of tools designed to mitigate some of those threats. And it will raise some concerns about conflicts between privacy and preservation. The seminar will close with a vigorous public discussion of digital privacy issues and concerns.

Howard Besser is founding director of New York University’s Moving Image Archiving & Preservation MA Program, professor of cinema studies, and senior scientist for digital initiatives for NYU’s library. His work over the past 35 years has emphasized policy issues (copyright, privacy), technology issues (image and multimedia databases), metadata (Dublin Core, METS, PREMIS), media archiving and preservation (personal digital archiving, museum time-based media conservation), and teaching with technology (distance learning). He has both a Ph.D. and MLIS from South Hall.

Last updated: September 28, 2018