InfoCamp 2018: Augmenting Society

InfoCamp Berkeley 2018

2018-03-17T09:00:00 - 2018-03-17T17:00:00
Saturday, March 17, 2018
9:00 am - 5:00 pm

InfoCamp, in its 9th year, is a premier student-run conference for the information community. Held on the UC Berkeley campus at the School of Information, the event draws over 150 professionals, students, and entrepreneurs across a wide range of sectors who work in roles in data science, UX design, product management, and software engineering. InfoCamp is a day-long event that features keynote speakers, panels, and an “unconference,” where attendees pitch and host their own sessions.

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InfoCamp 2018: Augmenting Society

As the distinction between the digital and physical realm becomes ever thinner, the reality of an augmented society emerges. We at the UC Berkeley School of Information are eager to dive deep into the intricacies of how the two affect each other, explore the extent to which they dominate each other and appreciate how they complement each other.

Can the IOT connect more sensors than the number of people Facebook connects today? Will there be a time when chatbots will be penalised for breaking laws? Do we need to take special precautions when designing our boundary-pushing VR worlds? Bits and TeraBytes or Bits and Bitcoins? Will there ever be a scale to measure if emerging technology is constructive or destructive? Can artificial intelligence beat real brains? Is this dependency on machines a vicious cycle that would witness our future generations going back to primitive lives as we burst this bubble and find meaning in traditional ways.

Here at the School of Information, we are constantly intrigued by these discussions. Through InfoCamp 2018, we aim to take a variety of approaches to find the answers to these ambiguities by engaging with industry experts, social enthusiasts and academic scholars. As data fanatics, we are also extremely keen to hear out our audience through an unconference - a series of impromptu idea sessions. Throughout the day we will have keynotes, panel discussions, technical deep dive talks, EXPOs and more. We are thrilled to engage every student, every speaker and every expert attending InfoCamp 2018 in an intellectual rhythmic saga of bits and atoms, to this year’s theme of Augmenting Society.


9:00 AM — Breakfast

10:00 AM — Opening Remarks

10:15 AM — Opening Keynote

11:00 AM — Panels (2 concurrent)

11:50 AM — Short Break

12:00 PM — Unconference Pitches

12:20 PM — Lunch Break

1:20 PM — Unconference Sessions

1:50 PM — Deep Dive Sessions (4 30-min sessions)

2:50 PM — Short Break

3:00 PM — Academic Talk (2 faculty talks)

4:00 PM — End Keynote

4:30 PM — EXPO + Happy Hour


Last updated: February 8, 2018