Information Access Seminar

Community-Owned Data Publishing: California Digital Library’s new partnership with Dryad

2019-03-15T15:10:00 - 2019-03-15T17:00:00
Friday, March 15, 2019
3:10 pm - 5:00 pm
Günter Waibel and John Chodacki

The California Digital Library (CDL) has invested considerable effort researching and building exemplars in research data management and data publishing. Like most institutions, we have had varying levels of success, especially when it comes to adoption and reach. In many instances, University of California researchers have taken advantage of tools that are offered to a much broader community, and are better integrated into their workflows. CDL’s strategic vision acknowledges that in many instances, to best serve the University of California, we now need to think and act in a context that is broader than our institutional home.

To meet researchers where they are, CDL entered into a formal partnership with Dryad. This partnership will make it easier to integrate data publishing into researcher workflows, and to be focused on building a sustainable product that is a credible alternative to commercial offerings within the research data space. With both CDL and Dryad’s expertise, we will be able to offer:

  • Researchers: a higher level of service and integration into their established workflows;
  • Publishers: direct integrations and more comprehensive curation services; and
  • Institutions: a globally-accessible, community-led, low-cost infrastructure and service that focuses on breaking down silos between publishing, libraries and research.

More about the Dryad partnership

Günter Waibel is associate vice provost & executive director of the California Digital Library. He has extensive experience in the digital library and broader cultural heritage communities and is well-known for his work in promoting cross-domain collaboration. In his previous position he oversaw the strategic plan for creating a digital Smithsonian out of the institution’s 19 museums and 9 research centers. 

John Chodacki is director of the UC Curation Center at the California Digital Library. He has a background in product management within digital publishing and scholarly communication organizations.

Last updated: January 7, 2019