Information Access Seminar

UCLA Library’s International Partnerships and Projects

2019-02-22T15:10:00 - 2019-02-22T17:00:00
Friday, February 22, 2019
3:10 pm - 5:00 pm
Rosalie Lack

Libraries and archives play a critical role in preserving and providing access to the collective memory of communities. Unfortunately, the resources for enabling archive holders to preserve cultural, social, political, and historical evidence are scarce and urgently required.

This talk will highlight UCLA Library’s international initiatives aimed at addressing these challenges, with a focus on the International Digital Ephemera Project (IDEP) and Documenting Global Voices (DGV). The goal of these programs is to preserve and provide broad, public access to at-risk materials. The presentation will provide an overview of both programs including the benefits and challenges of the different post-custodial models employed for each.

Rosalie Lack is a project manager at UCLA’s Charles E. Young Research Library, where she is responsible for managing a range of grant initiatives including International Digital Ephemera Project (IDEP), Sinai Library Digitization Project (SLDP), and Pacific Rim Library (PRL) project. She previously worked for many years at the University of California’s California Digital Library as the director of digital special collections and a web archiving coordinator. Rosalie has a MIMS degree from the Berkeley School of Information.

Last updated: January 28, 2019