Information Access Seminar

The Impact, Priorities and Prospects for Sustained Infrastructure Investment in Scholarly Communication

2020-09-18T15:10:00 - 2020-09-18T17:00:00
Friday, September 18, 2020
3:10 pm - 5:00 pm

Clifford Lynch

More that thirty years of sustained and strategic investment, largely by libraries, has positioned the research and higher education communities to navigate the disruption of the current pandemic to a considerable extent. To see this graphically, imagine that the pandemic had occurred in 1985 or 1990 and consider the implications for the higher education and research enterprises. We'll discuss some of these specific areas of investment, and also where continued or new investments are needed going forward.


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Clifford Lynch is the director of the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) and an adjunct professor at the School of Information. Prior to joining CNI in 1997, Lynch spent eighteen years at the University of California Office of the President, the last ten as director of Library Automation. Lynch is a past president of ASIS&T and a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the National Information Standards Organization.

Last updated: October 5, 2020