Real Talk About Job Searching and Your Portfolio: Insider Info From a Seasoned Manager

2023-04-13T12:40:00 - 2023-04-13T13:45:00
Thursday, April 13, 2023
12:40 pm - 1:45 pm

Judd Antin

Join Judd Antin, I School lecturer and former Head of Design Studio and Head of Research for Airbnb, for this informal but informative workshop.

He'll go over resume and portfolio advice and will answer your questions, but he'll also provide his insight as a hiring manager to talk about how to show up prepared and as your best self at each stage of the interview process.

You don't need to be research or design focused to attend!

About Judd Antin

Judd is a lecturer at the UC Berkeley School of Information. Prior to that, he was Head of Design Studio at Airbnb. Judd has spent 10+ years building research and design teams for Yahoo, Facebook, and Airbnb, leading teams from 2 to 200. Judd has been a part of hiring at every level, from brand new grad to SVP, and across functions — UX disciplines, data scientists, product managers, and engineers.

Last updated: April 3, 2023