May 19, 2006

2006 Master's final projects recognized

Winners of the 2006 Dr. James R. Chen Award for outstanding Master's final projects were announced during the School of Information commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 13, 2006. During their final semester, all Master's students in the School of Information are required to do a final project that represents the culmination of their two years in the program.

On Thursday, May 11 the school hosted a Final Project Showcase. During the showcase, all groups gave a 5 minute overview of their project. The following day, each group gave a full-length presentation in one of three tracks: Social Mobility: Organizing Collaboration, Searching and Viewing Content, and The Social Life of Information. For a complete list of this this year's projects, see Master's Final Projects: 2006.

Recipients of the 2006 Dr. James R. Chen Award

Track 1 — Social Mobility: Organizing Collaboration
Project: iBuyRight
Team members: Shufei Lei, Helen Kim, Lilia Manguy, Kelly Bryant
Advisor: Marti Hearst
Track 2 — Searching and Viewing Content
Project: Mycroft
Team members: Judd Antin, Andrea Nelson, Benjamin Hill
Advisor: Coye Cheshire
Track 3 — The Social Life of Information
Project: Social Uses of Communications Backchannels Team members: Jennifer King, Matthew Rothenberg
Advisor: Coye Cheshire

Honorable Mention

Track 2 — Searching and Viewing Content
Project: HomeSkim
Team members: Melissa Chan, Irina Lib, Kavita Mittal, Sarah Poon
Advisor: Marti Hearst


Last updated: October 4, 2016