Aug 1, 2008

Forty Years of Alumni Reunite at Reception

On Sunday, June 29, as part of the annual conference of the American Library Association, the I School hosted a reception in Anaheim, California, for all alumni and friends of the school.

All photos courtesy of Corliss Lee

Dean AnnaLee Saxenian welcomed nearly forty alumni from the past forty years (from the class of 1967 to the class of 2007), with degrees from the School of Information (2006–present), the School of Information Management and Systems (1994–2006), the School of Library and Information Studies (1976–1994), and the School of Librarianship ( –1976).

The reception welcomed alumni from a variety of settings, from city and state libraries to academic libraries, from digital libraries to archives, from library schools to the ALA itself.

The ALA, the world's oldest and largest library association, drew over 22,000 attendees to the Anaheim Convention Center for the week-long convention. The conference included more than 2,300 meetings, discussion groups, programs on various topics affecting libraries and librarians as well as tours and special events. Topics included libraries and technology, censorship, and literacy.

Last updated: October 4, 2016