May 16, 2009

2009 Commencement Award Winners

James R. Chen Awards
For Outstanding Master's Final Projects

Track 1: Organizational Issues

The OCHA Sitrep: Open Access and Political Pressure in Humanitarian Information
Nicholas Rabinowitz

Ashkan Soltani, Joshua Gomez, and Travis Pinnick
Website | Report

Track 2: Social Networking and Collaboration

tldr - Interfaces for Large-Scale Online Discussion Spaces 
Srikanth Narayan
Website | Report | Presentation Slides

Track 3: Communication and Memory

Building Collective Memories Online
Shanna Epstein 

Honorable Mentions:

Knowledge Compass 
Kathleen Lu and Ruchi Kumar
Website | Report

Mapping San Francisco's Photographic History
Isaac Salier-Hellendag
| Report

Faculty Awards

(Presented by the Information Management Student Association)

Distinguished Teaching Award: Associate Professor John Chuang

Distinguished Mentor Award: Adjunct Professor Paul Duguid

Last updated: October 4, 2016