Apr 5, 2009

Twitter Founder Biz Stone Visits I School Course

From the San Francisco Chronicle

What is Biz Stone doing?

By Carolyne Zinko

When most people think of the Internet, they think of its vast reach - the copious amounts of information to search through or be overwhelmed by.

Biz Stone likes to think small. "Creativity," he says, "comes from constraint."

It's an appropriate mantra for the co-founder of Twitter, a service that limits users' messages to 140-character bites (spaces included)....

At the moment, Twitter is mostly portrayed as a place for bursts of activity and randomness. For an intimate look at one of the company's creative minds behind the scenes, The Chronicle spent a day with Stone. The whirlwind eight hours took him from his home in Berkeley to the company's Bryant Street offices in San Francisco's SoMa to several off-site meetings and ended up back across the Bay Bridge at 4 p.m., lecturing to digital media futurist Howard Rheingold's class at UC Berkeley [Info 190: Virtual Communities and Social Media] before heading home....

For an hour, he talks with students at Rheingold's class. More than anything, "It's not about the triumph of technology," he said of Twitter, "but the triumph of humanity."

A big concept for a guy who thinks small.



Last updated: October 4, 2016