Jun 11, 2010

AnnaLee Saxenian Discusses Political Candidates and Authentic Silicon Valley Culture

From The New York Times

Top 2 G.O.P. Candidates Don’t Reflect the Valley

By Jonathan Weber

For Tom Campbell, the moderate Republican who was thrashed in the California Senate primary last week, it must be tough seeing Carly Fiorina, his victorious opponent, and Meg Whitman, the Republican candidate for governor, anointed as the new political vanguard of Silicon Valley.

This is a prize that by all rights should belong to Mr. Campbell. For more than three decades, the one-time law professor and member of Congress has positioned himself as just the kind of smart, socially liberal and fiscally conservative politician whom high-tech business leaders could love....

AnnaLee Saxenian, an economic geographer and a dean [of the School of Information] at the University of California, Berkeley, who has long studied the valley, said she was “shocked” to see Ms. Fiorina and Ms. Whitman portrayed as representative of a Silicon Valley worldview.

“People there are much more in the mold of Tom Campbell,” Ms. Saxenian said. “They are concerned about a set of issues that you hardly hear about from Carly and Meg.”... 


Last updated: October 4, 2016