School of Information adjunct professor Bob Glushko will be a keynote speaker at the "Intelligent Content 2010" conference. His keynote address is titled "Intelligent Content: The Foundation for Information-Intensive Systems and Services".
The second annual Intelligent Content Conference is sponsored by the Rockley Group and will be held February 25–26 in Palm Springs, California.
Robert Glushko is an adjunct full professor at the School of Information and one of the founding faculty members of the Information and Service Design program. He has a Ph.D. in cognitive psychology from the University of California, San Diego, and an MS in software engineering from the Wang Institute.
Glushko has thirty years of R&D, consulting, and entrepreneurial experience in information systems and service design, content management, electronic publishing, Internet commerce, and human factors in computing systems. He founded or co-founded four companies, including Passage Systems in 1992, which pioneered the automation of SGML-based single source technical publishing, and Veo Systems in 1997, which drove the use of XML and web services for electronic business before its 1999 acquisition by Commerce One.