Jun 14, 2010

Geoff Nunberg, Haiku, and Twitter

From Fresh Air from WHYY on National Public Radio

Haiku Takes To Twitter, 140 Characters At A Time

By Geoff Nunberg

Sun Microsystems' Jonathan Schwartz was a thoroughly modern CEO — he was even the first CEO of a major company to have a blog. So when he resigned recently after the company was acquired by Oracle, he didn't simply tweet the news. He put it in the form of a haiku.

Financial crisis / Stalled too many customers/ CEO no more.

Schwartz had both thumbs on the pulse of the medium. Haiku are like amaryllis: They thrive in close quarters. And with its 140-character limit, Twitter is blooming with haiku — or twaiku, as some call them. There are Twitter feeds for NASCAR haiku, cat haiku, zombie haiku and user-interface haiku....



Last updated: October 4, 2016