Jun 9, 2010

Geoffrey Nunberg Analyzes Obama's Use of Profanity

From the St. Petersburg Times

Obama's use of profanity over oil spill creates buzz

By Eric Deggans

Consider this media moment: President Barack Obama says he's trying to decide "whose ass to kick" over the massive oil spill now polluting the Gulf of Mexico, and, for a time, the comment gets as much attention as the disaster itself.

The quote rocketed across the world Tuesday, generating more than 25,000 results in Google News and sparking debates across cable news channels. To critics, it was a calculated display; to supporters, a sincere expression of frustration amid allegations that the president hasn't shown enough anger in responding to the worst environmental disaster in history....

Still, linguist Geoffrey Nunberg saw a line crossed; a growing acceptance of shocking language in more public and formal settings.

"People say these words are not as strong as they used to be — that's not true," said Nunberg, an adjunct professor at the University of California at Berkeley [School of Information] and a commentator for National Public Radio's Fresh Air program. "These are words we use precisely because they are dirty or there is some restriction. This language is a sign of authenticity."...


Last updated: October 4, 2016