Jan 13, 2010

LA Times Quotes Steve Weber on Google in China

From the Los Angeles Times

Quantcast Google may leave China in wake of hacker attacks

By David Sarno And Jessica Guynn

In a rare corporate rebuke of Asia's economic superpower, Google Inc. on Tuesday said it might leave China and the country's 350 million Internet users after it was the victim of a series of cyber attacks that originated from that nation.

According to Google, a "highly sophisticated" December attack on its main corporate computers resulted in "the theft of intellectual property."...

Google has long had a rocky relationship with China, where censorship and marketing limitations have held it to a distant second behind China's leading search engine, Baidu.com, which accounts for more than 60% of the market.

"If your two corporate mottoes are 'Don't be evil' and 'Organize the world's information,' you are bound to have trouble in China," said Steve Weber, a political science [and information] professor at UC Berkeley. Still, he said, the choice to leave an emerging market the size of China could not be an easy one for Google....



Last updated: October 4, 2016