Oct 26, 2010

Steve Weber Discusses Terrorist Behavior in the Washington Post

From The Washington Post

FBI links shots fired at Pentagon and Marine museum

By Josh White and Maria Glod

Two shootings that targeted U.S. military buildings in Northern Virginia have been conclusively linked to the same weapon, and law enforcement officials think a third attack on a Marine Corps recruiting office this week could be part of the same unexplained spree.

Law enforcement officials announced Tuesday that ballistics tests linked bullets found at the National Museum of the Marine Corps in Triangle on Oct. 17 with evidence found at the Pentagon two days later. Both buildings are within range of busy interstate highways and are about 30 miles apart....

Steven Weber, a political science [and information] professor at the University of California who has studied terrorist behavior, said investigators must consider a wide range of possibilities.

"It could be someone who holds a grudge against the military. It could be someone who believes by targeting military facilities they will get a lot of attention. It could be someone suffering from PTSD [post-traumatic stress disorder] who believes someone in one of those buildings is responsible," Weber said. "Or it could be none of those things."...


This story also appeared in The San Jose Mercury News

Last updated: October 4, 2016