May 23, 2011

Award-winning Students Cited by


U.C. Berkeley Students Win Awards at CITRIS Competition

Indian American students attending the University of California at Berkeley shared in two awards at the recent CITRIS (The Center for Information technology Research in the Interest of Society) Big Ideas competition....

A third place award and $5,000 was won by MobileWorks, which uses mobile phones to send outsourced data-entry jobs to the mobile phones of India’s villagers and slum residents. Team members include U.C.-Berkeley school of information student Prayag Narula and industrial engineering department student Anand Kulkarni.

The MobileWorks team has deployed a working prototype for in-field testing and preliminary responses are encouraging, the team said.

Both Shreddr and MobileWorks originated in the School of Information’s “Social Enterprise Using ICTs for International Development” course last fall.


Last updated: October 4, 2016