Sep 9, 2011

Steve Weber Looks Back At the Impact of the 9/11 Attacks

From the Contra Costa Times

For professors, 9/11 tragedy became teaching tool

By Matt Krupnick

When Steven Weber refers to "the event," the meaning is clear.

Weber teaches UC Berkeley students about national and international security, so Sept. 11, 2001, is the only event he could mean. If any academic discipline was revolutionized that day, it was Weber's.

"Events like that do have a galvanizing power on intellectual discussion," said Weber, a political economist and international-relations expert. "Those events do matter."

Weber felt the effects of Sept. 11 more than most of his UC Berkeley colleagues. He was in New York City that day, doing periodic work for a Rockefeller Plaza foundation, and watched the second plane hit the World Trade Center....


Steve Weber is a professor in the School of Information and the department of political science.

Last updated: October 4, 2016