Aug 23, 2011

Visiting scholar Vivek Wadhwa discusses entrepreneurs' immigration challenges

From Morning Edition, on National Public Radio

Advocates Urge Easier Visa Policies To Boost Startups

By Wendy Kaufman

As the economy continues to sputter, many policymakers are looking to entrepreneurs to create new jobs. And many foreign-born, highly skilled entrepreneurs want to come to the United States and stay here, but immigration laws and policies haven't made that easy.

In an effort to change that, the White House recently announced more flexible policies for granting visas. But many innovation experts say the changes aren't enough....

"Chile has been taking advantage of American stupidity," says Vivek Wadhwa, a visiting scholar at the University of California, Berkeley, [School of Information] where he studies the economic impact of immigrant entrepreneurs.

"The entire immigration system is a big mess," he says. "There are thousands of entrepreneurs who want to start companies in America but can't get visas."

The White House agrees that too many highly skilled entrepreneurs are being shut out, and its new visa rules aim to address that by increasing the number of startup visas.

But Wadhwa says the changes don't go far enough.

"There are 150 companies here right now," he says during a Start-Up Chile event. "Amazing, amazing companies in almost every area you can think of."...

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Last updated: October 4, 2016