May 14, 2011

Wall Street Journal Cites I School Research on Immigrant Entrepreneurs

From the Wall Street Journal

Why America Needs Immigrants

By Jonah Lehrer

If there's one fact that Americans take for granted, it's that other people want to live here. As President Barack Obama noted in his speech on immigration earlier this week, the U.S. has always attracted strivers from every corner of the globe, often willing to risk great hardships to get here.

There are signs, however, that the allure of America is fading. A new study by researchers [including School of Information visiting scholar Vivek Wadhwa and dean AnnaLee Saxenian] at UC Berkeley, Duke and Harvard has found that, for the first time, a majority of American-trained entrepreneurs who have returned to India and China believe they are doing better at "home" than they would be doing in the U.S. The numbers weren't even close: 72% of Indians and 81% of Chinese said "economic opportunities" were superior in their native countries....


Last updated: October 4, 2016